Multi Purpose Meeting Room
Our Multi-Purpose meeting rooms are based on the principal of offering as much as desired or possible within one room to accommodate all the needs of the client. On one recent project in Sophia Antipolis, we utilised an existing high ceiling meeting room to install a full tech room that included drop down projector and screen from ceiling, Smartboard Whitboard with internet and sharing capabilities, full scale Polycom Video conferencing using dual LCD display (one display per caller)

The boardroom serve a main purpose as private communications within four walls and also video conferencing capabitilies. We are able to provide all of these and above to create the most sophisticated, user friendly boardrooms we can.

Multi Location Meeting Rooms
These meeting rooms are often small and require simple tools to communicate with one another. We install dual plasma video conferencing with quick ‘hit’ favourite buttons that enable the users to call one another simple and effectively. Recently, we completed a multi site project in Nice, Paris, London, Vienna & Frankfurt. All with identical setup, colour schemes, menu systems, control and capabilities to enable an ‘in-room’ feel whilst physically being in different locations.